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Welcome to the Montgomery County's Award Winning  Music Studio of Mrs. Helen Ahn


Lesson General Information

Welcome to the Award-Winning Studio of Mrs. Helen Kong Ahn!

Mrs. Ahn has been teaching private music lessons to students of all ages since 1998. Her teaching experience extends beyond private instruction to include leading master classes, directing outreach programs, coaching chamber music ensembles, and preparing students for competitions.

A classically trained flutist and pianist, Mrs. Ahn holds degrees in music from the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, and the Eastman School of Music (BM). As an active member of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA), Montgomery County Music Teachers Association, and the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM), she offers students additional opportunities to participate in festivals and competitions if they wish.

In addition to her private studio, Mrs. Ahn is an instrumental music teacher in Montgomery County Public Schools and serves as the junior flute choir director for the Maryland Classic Youth Orchestra and the Camp Levine at Strathmore campus. Mrs. Ahn has a wonderful private music studio with a group of talented and gifted students in DC Metro Area.

[Teaching Philosophy]

Mrs. Ahn believes in empowering her students to confidently perform in recitals, audition for youth orchestras, All-State & All-County Orchestra/Band, and enter music competitions by providing a positive and safe learning environment. 

Mrs. Ahn thrives to teach all her students a well rounded musical education including theory, technique, ear-training, intonation, sight reading skills, and expanding music repertoire in its historical context.


I teach at several schools in the Montgomery County, Maryland area and my private music studio is located in Boyds/Germantown Area.

[Lessons & Attendance]

Lessons are typically 45 minutes or one hour, held weekly, and can be attended either online or in person. Your lesson day and time will remain consistent each week, though slight flexibility may be required due to traffic, weather for in-person sessions, or occasional technical issues for online lessons. Consistent attendance at scheduled lessons is essential to ensure steady progress and success in learning.


Fees may vary. Please contact Mrs. Ahn for more info.

Studio Policy

  1. Lesson Commitment: Once a lesson is paid for, it is expected to take place as scheduled. In-studio lessons are given during Mrs. Ahn's office hours. Parking is available in the studio driveway and free street parking. Parents and siblings may wait in the waiting area inside the studio. Please be aware that there is no supervision for students before and after the lesson or for anyone left in the waiting area.
    Students should be picked up promptly at the end of their lesson. We also offer online lessons. 

  2. Attendance & Scheduling: Please make every effort to attend lessons as planned. If the regular time becomes difficult, contact your teacher to arrange a more convenient schedule. 

  3. Cancellation Notice: Provide as much advance notice as possible if you need to cancel a lesson. Aim to email at least 24 hours in advance, or call/text if closer to the lesson time.

  4. Tuition Payment: The tuition payment will be monthly basis. Tuition is due monthly by the 7th; payments made after the 10th will incur a $20 late fee. Payments can be made by check (payable to "Helen Ahn"), Paypal, Zelle, or Venmo.

  5. Responsibility for Make-Up Lessons: It is your responsibility to arrange a make-up lesson. Please call your teacher directly to do so.

  6. Missed Lessons: Lessons that are missed without notice (forgotten) are forfeit.

  7. Online Make-Up Lessons: All make-up lessons will be held online.

  8. Make-Up Lessons: There is no limit on the number of make-up lessons from September to June. If a make-up cannot be scheduled within the school year, it will be arranged during the summer months (July/August).

  9. Carry-Over Limit: Make-up lessons cannot be carried forward to the following school year.

  10. Regular Lesson Time: Regularly scheduled lessons cannot be used as make-up lessons.

Policy Last Updated: 2022

Lesson Info: Feature



VSA International Young Soloists Award Program
Kennedy Center
Date: Annual  2017 Application Deadline: February 8 2017
Competition Dates: May 24-25
Location: Washington, DC

Each year, a select number of outstanding young musicians with disabilities, ages 14-25, from around the world receive the VSA International Young Soloists Award. These emerging musicians win a $2,500 prize, professional development experiences, and the opportunity to perform at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Started by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith in 1984, the program, open to musicians of any instrument or genre, has provided opportunities for hundreds of emerging young musicians with disabilities.

All genres of music are accepted, including but not limited to classical, jazz, hip-hop, rap, rock/alt rock, pop, indie, bluegrass, folk, country, R&B/blues, Latin, and World.

Young Artist Award Competition

Location: Arts Barn 311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
The City of Gaithersburg and the Kentlands Community Foundation present the annual Young Artist Award, a juried competition culminating in a concert for the top prize winners. The goal of the Young Artist Award is to provide musicians ages 12-18 with an enriching artistic experience and encourage them in their love of music.

Application Information
Apply online at

Open to vocal and instrumental (woodwind, brass, string, piano) soloists between the ages of 12 – 18 years. Applicants must be at least 12 years old but no more than 18 years old by December 31, 2017.


Washington Flute Society- Student Honors Competition

This competition is for outstanding flutists in grade 12 and under, who attend school or are homeschooled in a Mid-Atlantic state as defined above. Winners will be selected on the basis of their recording from each division: Senior (grade 10-12), Junior (grade 7-9) and Elementary (grade 6 or younger). Cash prizes will be awarded. Previous first prize winners are not eligible to participate in the same division. The decision of the judges is final. All works for flute and keyboard must be recorded using both instruments.

1.     Application fee $20
2.     Submit a recording- see website for more detail.

U.S. Navy Band’s High School Concerto Competition

Summer Camps & Festivals


University of Maryland Summer Youth Music Camp

National Orchestral Institute, or email A training program for young pre-professional orchestral musicians, the National Orchestral Institute at the University of Maryland School of Music offers an intensive four-week experience in orchestral musicianship and professional development for musicians.

Peabody Institute Summer Programs and Master Classes, Baltimore, MD

Marina Piccinini International Flute Master Classes.

Open to all ages, focus is on advanced to professional-level flautists in different stages of their careers and studies. Work with internationally renowned flautist Marina Piccinini as a participant in the week-long master classes or observe her skill and techniques as a single or multi-day auditor. Includes daily control your breath and relaxation classes as well as daily exhibitions and lectures by five distinguished flute manufacturers. Marina Piccinini will perform the opening recital on June23rd. Scholarships available. Contact: Allison Dreskin, 410-234-4772,

Washington Performing Arts: Summer Camps

Landon School Summer Camp

Three separate music day camps: Summer String Ensemble, Summer Jazz Camp, and Summer Band Camp. String Orchestra Camp and Band Camp (No audition required): Grades 5-12.

Two programs – string orchestra and separate band camp. Small ensembles, leading to concert mid-day Friday. Very advanced students may have opportunity to participate in an advanced string ensemble also.

Jazz Camp (Audition required for ensemble placement):

For players of saxophone, trombone, trumpet, guitar, piano, bass, drums, and vibes.

Grades 7 – 12. Sessions on fundamentals, concepts and sight-reading, jazz lectures, videos, private lessons, master classes, sectionals, and improvisations. Opportunity to play with professional musicians.

Levine School of Music Summer Day Camp
(Mrs. Ahn is a woodwind faculty artist at Levine School and will teach this summer in July-Aug!)

Several programs and various day camps are offered at campuses in Maryland, DC and Virginia. Camps listed below are the ones most relevant to orchestral students; additional camps are also offered for young children, saxophone, electric guitar, jazz, rock, saxophone, percussion and singers. There are also opportunities for teen apprenticeships, to serve as aides for camp for younger children: limited number of positions for rising 7th graders and up, a few stipends available for qualified 16+ year olds.

McDaniel College Orchestra (Strings + Winds) Camp and Piano program, Westminster, MD

Interlochen Music Camp- Interlochen, Michigan

Brevard Music Camp- Brevard, North Carolina
Residential music festival and comprehensive music training program for gifted high school, college, and pre-professional musicians.. Auditions required.

June 21-August 6         Ages: 14 – Older.

Instrumental studies, small ensembles, orchestras, concerto competition, piano competition, composition program.

Aspen Music Festival & Camp- Aspen, Colorado

Aspen Music Festival, Aspen, CO, 970-925-3254,

Residential training ground for pre-professional music students and internationally renowned music festival. Auditions required. Most students are college-aged or older; those under 18 accepted based on maturity and ability. Half sessions and full sessions Numerous institutes and programs, including private lessons, courses, chamber music studies, student competition, and orchestra performances.

Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Lenox, MA, 1-800-643-4796,

Residential six-week programs in orchestra, vocal music, composition, harp, or piano; four-week program on wind ensemble; 3- or 6- week piano program, two-week workshops on clarinet, double bass, flute, horn, oboe, percussion, string quartet (ages 15-18 only), trombone, and trumpet. Faculty are prominent professional musicians. Auditions required.  Ages: 15 and up.

Master classes, orchestra, attend performances at Tanglewood.

Gaithersburg Flute Camp
Mill Creek Church, Derwood, MD.

Contact person: Tim Friedlander, 301-294-3361, email

Day camp open to intermediate-level flutists with some ensemble experience. This year’s theme: “Eastern Asian Themes.” Auditions may be requested for new participants only, just to be sure they’re ready.Grades 6-12. Small (about 30; limit 36) group of flutists, playing challenging music and a variety of music enrichment experiences. Not for beginner nor for the most advanced students.

Kennedy Center / National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute


The Consummate Flutist, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, website  June 18-22, 2014

Description: Join us for The Consummate Flutist, an inspirational week of masterclasses, lectures and workshops with master artists Alberto Almarza, Jeanne Baxtresser, Soo-Kyung Park, Stephen Schultz and Jim Walker. Daily masterclasses will focus on standard repertoire and orchestral excerpts. The flute faculty will also present lectures and workshops focusing on many aspects of flute performance and career planning, including performance and audition techniques, Baroque and extended technique classes, and strategies for being a successful student and beyond!


Performers*: Advanced High School, College and Pre-professional. *Audition required: see website for details Participants: Advanced High School, College and Pre-Professional

Auditors: Flutists and Teachers of all ages

Tuition: Performer/$525, Participant/$375, Auditor/$40-75, Parents & Teachers of REGISTERED students may attend for free

Deadlines: See website for details. Early application is recommended as spaces fill quickly.

Youth Orchestra & Ensemble

DC, Maryland, and VA Area

Maryland Classic Youth Orchestras (MCYO)

Potomac Valley Youth Orchestra

The Montgomery County Youth Orchestra

DC Youth Orchestra Program

Peabody Youth Orchestra - Peabody Institute - Johns Hopkins University

Mid-Atlantic High School Flute Choir

About Us

At Moco Music School, we foster a passion for music in young children and help them attain exceptional outcomes via our top-notch, personalized private lessons, masterclasses, and concerts. Our curriculum encompasses instruction in the piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone, chamber music, and music theory.


Thank you for making a donation to support the arts and instrument fund towards students and families in need.

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